
How it works

Architects for Peace pro-bono service acts as a bridge between community groups, non-profit agencies and charitable organisations that need architectural services but cannot afford to pay for them (the ‘Clients’) and professionals of the built environment who are prepared to work with these groups free of charge (the ‘Service Providers’). The roles of the Service Providers (arch-peace’s members), the Clients and the Arch-Peace pro-bono team are explained in detail below. The main contractual relationship is between Clients and Service Providers, with Arch-Peace providing a linking and facilitating role. The process is illustrated in the following flow chart:

Criteria for project selection involvement

Clients and their projects are assessed against the following criteria before being accepted into the Arch-Peace pro bono service:

both the Client and the proposed project operate on a not-for-profit basis

there is a clear likelihood of benefit from the addition of pro bono architectural services

the Client has a clear understanding of the scope of the project and a demonstrated ability to fund the proposed project (or a clear plan of how funding will be secured)

the Client has a strong track record of successfully managing projects or activities of a similar scale

the Client is not currently receiving fee-based architectural services and/or does not have an existing relationship with an architect or architectural firm.

If you are a non-for-profit organisation and require arch-peace pro bono services, please fill a “Client: Project Application Form”

Note: we reserve the right to reject any request for pro bono deemed by us not suitable for our services.


Contact the probono team:
  • with your comments
  • questions
  • probono project proposal
  • other...
Enquires: please email your question (, or leave a comment here.


The right to a good city: pro bono enables our members to take concrete steps to achieve our shared vision of sustainable and socially just development.

Architects for Peace launched its Pro Bono Services on August 24th 2006. The launch proved a wonderful and reassuring experience. The launch was held at CH2 (Council House 2) in Melbourne. The speakers focused on the role of pro bono in the support of a fairer of society. The speakers were Mick Pearce (architect of CH2), Natalie Moxham (City of Darebin-Friends of Baucau), Marko Misko (Clayton Utz Lawyers) and we also enjoyed the fabulous voice of opera singer Rachel Sztanski. Our sponsors: City of Melbourne and RMIT Public Art.

Pro bono services provide options to those who could not otherwise afford architectural/planning services. At the same time this process facilitates the promotion and discussion of architecture and planning in relation to its impact on people, their health and their city. Furthermore, we believe that these services can assist to promote education, participation and assist in finding solutions to our damaged environment.

The reasons for providing these services are many and include:

- The perceived and real social divide in the use of architectural services
- The perceived notion that architecture is dispensable and deals only with aesthetics
- The public’s general unawareness of the impact of architecture, urban design and planning in the way we use and live in our cities
- The reality that urban professional disciplines are responsible for up to 75% of greenhouse gases emissions
- The need of our arch-peace professionals to assist in the creation of more democratic, fair and better cities for all, wherever we are based
- The fact that in Australia we lag behind other professions who see the value of offering their professional services to those who cannot otherwise afford them.
- The need to realise that these services would provide mutual benefits and that as part of the society we live in, we all suffer or rejoice from urban wellbeing.

Our vision is to see that all professionals of the built environment provide 1% of their time to pro bono work

Long Term goals
- To develop a policy framework for pro bono in the built environment industries
- In 10 years time – companies to allocate a number of hours/ percentage of their time to pro bono services
- raise awareness about pro bono service in the community and in the industry

Why pro bono: launch of arch-peace pro bono service.

Find all videos from the pro bono service launch here

++ Are you a member and would like to join the pro bono team? please email us here